where : ibrtses linux


These pages are concerned with Linux, a great alternative to the murky Windows
world. At least in theory the internals of Linux can be explored/verifyed/changed.
For software developed for Linux see : my Kylix pages
I started with SuSe 7.0 and upgraded to SuSE 7.2 in summer 01. The upgrade was
unexpectedly painless. The next upgrade in summer 02 to Suse 8.0 failed on the hardware.
An new machine took over further Linux development and services in automn 02.

Switching from WinNT to Linux

The great feeling of carelessness by being administrator when working with WinNT is
considered bad taste when working with Linux. Plus there is no remote 'root'.
The following stuff took ages for an unpatient NT user to uncover. The objective is an
existing WinNT network consisting of some NT Workstations, no NT Server. How do
I attach a Linux machine ?

Setting up Linux software

feedback welcome


last updated subpage: 15.Jan.03, or perhaps later

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Copyright (1999,2003) Ing.Büro R.Tschaggelar